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About Leo T.Jackson

Scholarship Criteria

Leo T. Jackson would be very proud of this wonderful scholarship opportunity awarded in his honor to deserving, young ladies. In 1930, Leo was born in a logging-camp in southern Arkansas. He worked and studied hard and served his country in the U.S. Navy. He graduated with honors from Oklahoma State University and later earned a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering - all to provide a better and easier life for his family. Leo was a champion of the United Way and the Junior Achievement programs while at Wisconsin Telephone and Ameritech, Inc. He was also a sponsor for many major charities and a Regent for MSOE. His life was well-lived and full of service to his country and community. He loved sports, which he could not play growing up due to daily chores and work requirements. This honor is very special because he loved that his granddaughters could afford to participate in sports and community clubs outside of school. These annual gifts will allow for Leo’s passion to “be-paid-forward” to other daughters and granddaughters who exemplify the attributes that this extraordinary man valued dearly.




Purpose of Scholarship: To recognize qualified member applicants of the Twister Family who emulate the characteristics and values of Leo T Jackson. These characteristics and values include service, leadership, academics and athletics.

Criteria to be addressed in the narrative essay:

1) Entering college in the fall of the same year 2) Member of the Twister Family for at least 2 years 3) History of community service 4) Academic success 5) Participation in athletics 6) Not be in arrearages; must be in good standing with the Twisters Process:

Any player who meets the above criteria should write an essay reflecting why they feel they are a candidate/recipient for the Leo T Jackson Scholarship. Address the above criteria in the essay, and no additional documentation is required. All essays will be blind-read and reviewed by a panel to be determined. No coaches or 18U parents will be allowed to participate in the review process.

Candidates should email their essay to Evie Aponte. Please write Leo T. Jackson on the subject of the email. Deadline for submission is May 14 of the same year, and scholarships will be awarded at the Twister’s  Annual Spring Fling.

All monies utilized for the scholarship fund will not be taken from club fees; monies for the fund will be donated or raised through special fundraising activities.

For More information on the Leo T. Jackson Scholarship and criteria, please contact: Evie Aponte 262-488-0859 or email: DEADLINE FOR ESSAY IS May 15

(This is a blind reading of all essays entered. Please note ~ this fund is supported by: Leo T. Jackson Memorial Fund and Sponsorship Committee Fundraisers)

Leo T.Jackson Scholarship Winners


 Kim Gemmel 

 Alverno College


 Kaitlynn Ballman

          UW - Eau Claire       

 Amber Johnson

 Marian University       

 Kimmy Johnson

    UW - Green Bay  


 Allison Binder

 St. Norbert College       

 Laura Harold

 UW - Madsion   


Ashley Lobraco

Marian University 

Adrianna Burd

 UW - Eau Claire       

 Emily Wise

 University of North Dakota       

 Lauren Chars

 Butler University       

 Emily Neumann

 Ball State University       

 Claire Baumgartner

 UW - Platteville       

 Kayla Sterling

 Carroll College       

 Savannah Akinsanya

 Ball State University


 Becca Moore

 UW - Platteville


Paige Michaelson

Marian University 

Jaclynn Syrett

UW Parkside 

Mariah Eiben

Rockford University


Emma Dresen

UW Green Bay

Miranda Kania

 Jessie Olle

Carroll College


Ashley Ristic

Carthage College

Lydia Balke

UW Greenbay 

Emilee Frey

Carroll University


Aly Woda


Abby Boyle

UW Madison

Erin Loewen

UW Platteville

Megan Mulligan

UW Whitewater

Brittney Moczynski

UW LaCrosse

Elly Passehl

UW OshKoshn


Gwen Kosirog

Marian University


Shannon Mulligan

University of Wisconsin Parkside


McKayla Boyle 

Carrol University

Amanda Rick 

Stevens Point


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